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Company Name: Adonis Gol Darou

Type of company: Private .Co

Kind of Activity: Manufacturer and Treading.

Main Field of Activity: rose water and herbal distillates , concentrated herbal distillates  in sachet packaging , essential oils , herbal flavors , extracts , herbal medicinal plant

General Manage: MSc Kadkhoda Zohreh

E-mail address: kadkhoda@adonisherb.ir

Sales Manager:  MSc Taghizad Farid Rahim

E-mail address: Taghizad@adonisherb.ir & sales@adonisherb.ir

Web address: www.adonisherb.ir– www.adonisherb.com

Karaj Office Address: Unit 13, No. 13, Esfand Street, 45 Metry Golshahr Street Karaj. Iran

Karar Office Phone: +982634679732 - +982634642902

Karaj Office fax: +982634679732

Kashan Factory Address: Dorrin area, Fin Kashan area. Kashan. Iran

Joshaghan Factory Address: stone mine road, Joshaghan area. Kashan. Iran

  License of domestic and international certificates: HALAL-HACCP-ISO 9001-ISO 22000-Standarad permit- health permit from the Iranian Health Department of Herbal Water and beverages - permit operation of the Iranian Ministry of Industry
Company History:
In 2003 Adonis Gol Darou group was established. The group initially began as a manufacturer and packaging. After three years, the number of factories increased to three plants. This group  products is over, 20,000 tons of rose water,
20,000 tons of herbal distillate and 20,000 kg  of rose essential oil and herbal medicinal essential oils per year.

Herbal distillates in glass and PET bottles in Volume 50ml-1000 L:
Rose water, mint water, bitter Orange flower water, thyme water, cardamom water, cinnamon water, dill water, lavender water, fumitory water, fennel water, pennyroyal water, musk willow water, chicory water, forty plants water, fenugreek water, chamomile water, kakouti water, cumin water, garlic water, rosa canina water.

Concentrated herbal distillates packaged in a 15 ml sachet (Adonis brand):
Rose water, mint water, bitter Orange flower water, thyme water, cardamom water, cinnamon water, dill water, lavender water, fennel water and fumitory water.

About Adonis brand:
. Organic and natural
. Hygienically and pasteurized
. No preservatives
. Protected from the sun's damaging light
. Protected from outside air and oxidation.
. Easy to use and Light weight
. Good drink with medicinal properties specific to each product
. Flavor of food, salads, yogurt, hot and cold drinks
. Very stylish and compact packaging

We believe that in the near future Adonis will account for the largest share of the country's exports of herbal distillates

natural essential oils: rose essential oil, mint essential oil, pennyroyal essential oil, kakouti essential oil, thyme essential oil, basil essential oil, cucumber essential oil garlic essential oil, lavander essential oil, citronelia essential oil and dill essential oil,Rosemary essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, valerian essential oil, anise essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, clove essential oil, cardamom essential oil, coriander essential oil, ginger essential oil, cumin essential oil, fenugreek essential oil, bitter orange, chamomile essential oil, yarrow essential oil, Nettle essential oil, borage essential oil, sage essential oil, ammi essential oil, lemon balm essential oil and lavender essential oil

natural essential oils (soluble in oil): rose essential oil, mint essential oil, pennyroyal essential oil, kakouti essential oil, thyme essential oil,basil essential oil, cucumber essential oil garlic essential oil, lavander essential oil, citronelia essential oil and dill essential oil.

natural essential oils (soluble in water): rose essential oil, mint essential oil, pennyroyal essential oil, kakouti essential oil, thyme essential oil, basil essential oil, cucumber essential oil garlic essential oil, lavander essential oil, citronelia essential oil and dill essential oil

Extracts: type of powder extracts and solution extracts. hydro alcohol and propylene glycol.

Exports group:

This group will provide the domestic market, exports to the five continents of the world on its agenda in this regard that export to Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan and the countries of the Persian Gulf began.

Summary of site facilities:

1- Three steel vessel (10 ton)
2- two steel high distillation column (3 ton)
3- three steel short distillation column (3 ton)
4- Six steel vessels
5- Research steel tank (0.5 ton)
6- Sachet steel tank (0.5 ton)
7- Steel piping system from production to packing
8- Two full automatic filling machines for glass and PET bottels
9– Two full automatic filling machine for sachets packaging
10-Two automatic sets of doors
11-Full automatic labeling machines(2 sets)
12-Jet Printer (3 sets)
13-Pasteurized system before packaging
14-Pasteurized system after packaging
15-The Great Shearing machine
16-The Little Shearing machine
17-Two Lift trucks
18-Quality control laboratory
19-Microbiology laboratory
20-Laboratory during production
21-Laboratory Classic
22-Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

Research and development:
concentrated herbal distillates in sachet packaging for the first time released. While part of this herbal water with the Adonis brand believes that the biggest share of export markets will have Drink country.

Department of Laboratory
 The group members having expertise in the field of Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Chemistry and Applied Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Senior and extraction facilities, oil making, isolation, identification and formulation drugs in the analysis, detection and isolation of natural products and formulations In order to serve the masters and doctoral students and pharmaceutical industry works.

Head of  Activity Group
 Isolation, purification, identification and quantification derivatives compounds (volatile and non-volatile compounds) and study on biological effects
 Formulation and standardization of herbal extracts and herbal Products
 study on optimization methods of products (oils and extracts)
 Collect traditional medicinal plants information and their products

Abilities Group
• separation and purification of natural compounds
• Identify the structure of chemical compounds.
• Analysis and Determination of pharmaceutical compounds
• Standardization of natural products
• formulation of pharmaceutical and herbal products
• cytotoxic Effects Herb
• Antioxidant effects of herbs
• Analysis and identification and quantification of medicinal plants
• Analysis of Medicinal Plants
• Analysis of essential oils
• Analysis of extracts from medicinal plants
• Instrumental analysis of essential oils and extracts
• Analysis of Herbal Essences and herbal water
• Analysis of Phytochemistry
• Oil Analysis

1- IPC lab: product, manufacturing and packaging controller

2– Microbial lab: Detection and cultivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts determine the type and extent allowed by aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms in water, raw materials and food products are the main activities of the microbiology department

microbial Control product of manufacturing and packaging

Microbial Contamination Control of Products and Packaging

Microbial control of herbal distillates, extracts, essential oils and flavors

Microbial control of raw materials, food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and health products

Microbial control of paper and packaging materials for the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products

3– Classic lab: preparation extraction with percolation and maceration method (for laboratory, pilot and industrial)

preparation essential oils with Clevenger apparatus and different methods (for laboratory, pilot and industrial)
macro wave extraction set for preparation extract and essential oils (for laboratory)
Rotary evaporation set for separation extracts solvent
Freeze dryer set for remove extracts water
Solvent Distiller for solvent recovery (for laboratory, pilot and industrial)
Phytochemical and chemical analysis of herbal distillates, extracts, essential oils and flavors
Chemical analysis of raw materials and food products and beverages
Chemical analysis of Waters and beverages
Chemical analysis of pharmaceutical and cosmetic
Physical Analysis of Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics
detection of natural essential oils from synthetic essential oils
Determination of essential oils in the fresh plant, extracts, dry extracts, synthetic flavors and flavors
Determine the moisture content of the fresh plant, dried, extracts, essential oils, synthetic flavors and flavors
drug formulations and Physical and chemical analysis devices
Preparation reference and working standards with chromatography method required companies and students
Identification and separation  of alkaloids
Derivative fats
Perform kinds of samples preparations
4- Instrumental Analysis Lab: Equipped with advanced chromatography and spectroscopic device that has the ability to perform the following activities and services:
Perform articles ,research projects ,theses of medicinal chemistry and Phytochemistry and Agriculture
launch labs
develop methods
Specialized workshops and training courses for technical officials and students
quantitative and qualitative analysis essential oils with Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography Mass spectrometry
quantitative and qualitative analysis extracts with high performance liquid chromatography
Developed for determining the chemical structure

Instruments list:

Model               Company                     Country                        Abbreviation          Instrument name                        No
MS(5973)            Agilent Technologies    USA - United States of America            GC-MS            Gas Chromatography Mass spectrometry               1
GC(6890)            Agilent Technologies    USA - United States of America            GC            Gas Chromatography                            2
WellChrom            Knauer                    Germany - Federal Republic of Germany    HPLC            High Performance Liquid Chromatography           3
UV vis4890            Agilent Technologies    USA - United States of America            UV-VIS       Ultraviolet-visible spectrum                     4
NANOPHOX             Sympatec            Germany - Federal Republic of Germany    DLS            Dynamic Light Scattering                         5
Tensor 27           Bruker                    Germany - Federal Republic of Germany    FTIR            Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy             6
AEG                    Germany                 Federal Republic of Germany         ---            Macro wave extraction                            7
341                     Perkin Elmer        USA - United States of America       ---            Polari meter                                     8

  Adonis Gol Darou group managers:
Ms.Kadkhoda Zohreh MSc Organic Chemistry (General Manager)
Mr.Taghizad Farid Rahim Organic Chemistry MSc (sales manager & Director of Research and Development)
Mr. Ghsemi Vahid Bs Chemistry (Technical manager)
Mr. Arsalani Mahmoud MSc Analytical Chemistry (Instrumental Analysis Laboratory Manager)
Mr Avilaghi Mohammad MSc Analytical Chemistry (Clasic lab manager)
Mr. Abdi Hamid MSc analytical Chemistry (I.P.C lab manager)
Mr. Solimani Mehdi MSc Organic Chemistry (formulation manager)


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