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Ammonium sulfate
Molecular Formula: (NH4)2SO4
Molecular Weight 132.13
Nitrogen :≥21
Moisture:1.0% max
Color: white or off white granular.
Appearance and Properties:Ammonium Sulphate is white or off-white granule, easily soluble in water. Aqueous solution appears acid. Insoluble in alcohol, acetone and ammonia, Easily deliquescent in the air.
Ammonium Sulphate is one of the most common use and most typical inorganic nitrogen fertilizer. Ammonium Sulphate is the best fast release, quick acting fertilizer, which can be directly used for a variety of soil and crops. It can also be used as kinds of seed fertilizers, base fertilizer and additional fertilizer. It is particularly suitable for the soil which lack of sulfur, low chlorine tolerance crops, sulfur-philic crops.
Ammonium Sulphate is suitable for the rice seedling, the growth of tea, grass, vegetables, and fruit trees, effectually rapid promoting the growth of grain, vegetables, fruits, grass and other plants. It has more efficiency than urea, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate etc. Large granular Ammonium Sulphate can also serve as raw material for compound fertilizer. As feed additives, it provides the nutrients of non-protein nitrogen to ruminants. Ammonium Sulphate also used for fish culture in some areas.
Application in Agriculture:
1.Ammonium Sulphate is mostly used as nitrogen fertilizer, it provides an equal balance of nitrogen and sulphur, meets short term sulphur deficits of crops, pastures and other plants.
2.Fast release, quick acting;
3.More efficiency than urea, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride,  ammonium nitrate;
4.Can be readily blended with other fertilisers. It has the desirable agronomic features of being a source of both nitrogen and sulphur. 5. Ammonium sulphate can make crops thrive and improve fruit quality and yield and strengthen resistance to disaster,can be used for common soil and plant in basic fertilizer, additional fertilizer and seed manure. Suitable for the rice seedling, paddy fields, wheat and grain, corns or maize, the growth of tea, vegetables, fruit trees, hay grass, lawns, turf and other plants.
Nitrogen content    20.8% min
Moisture    1% max
Free Acid    0.03%
Sulfur    24%
Heavy metal    0.05%
appearence    granular
color    white
saze    2-4mm

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